Grid-scale Solar Development Focus Group

November 16, 2023

St. Thomas Firehall, 34 School House Rd, St. Thomas, PA 17252

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Event Details

Interested in discussing the impacts of grid-scale  

solar developments on St. Thomas and Peters  

Townships? Participate in an upcoming focus  

group organized by Penn State researchers! 

Overview: A Penn State research team is currently studying how large solar developments are  impacting St. Thomas and Peters townships as experienced by the residents of these  communities. We are looking to gather community insights at an upcoming focus group.  

Process: The focus groups will last approximately 90-minutes. We will record and transcribe the  focus groups. The recordings and full transcriptions will only be shared with our research team.  Your participation is voluntary and you can stop participating at any time. All responses will also  be anonymized. Attendance may be capped to a size conducive for conversation. If interest  

exceeds capacity, the research team will contact interested parties to schedule an optional  individual interview. 

When: Thursday, November 16th, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm 

Where: St. Thomas Firehall, 34 School House Rd, St. Thomas, PA 17252 

Why participate? Your input will inform a larger study on how energy transitions—the  movement from fossil fuels toward renewable energy or other energy sources—impact  communities differently and how communities can best address these impacts through policy. The findings of this study will be used to inform policy makers about how energy transitions can  be done in a way that is fairer to communities that are impacted by energy transitions. 

As a thank you: light refreshments will be served and participants will receive a $20 gas card. 

Photo of random solar panels in a field

Registration: To register, please fill out this form: Or, get in touch with Dr. Jennifer Baka, the Principal Investigator, or Zach Goldberg or Kristin  Schoenecker, both of whom are Penn State Graduate Students in Geography who will be  helping to conduct the focus groups.  

Dr. Baka: [email protected] 

Mr. Goldberg: [email protected]  

Miss. Schoenecker: [email protected] 

Penn State Geography Main Office Phone: (814) 865-3433 

Funding sources: The study is funded by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan foundation.  For more information: Please see the project webpage: