Johnston Run Trail – DCNR Grant Success Stories
News|November 1, 2022
For the residents of Mercersburg, the Johnston Run Trail provides a place to enjoy nature and keep active — all within a short walk from the center of town.
DCNR provides support to community park projects like this that develop areas to provide quality recreation for all.
Mercersburg Borough residents have new outdoor recreation access thanks in part to a DCNR grant. The Johnston Run Trail covers a third of a mile and follows Johnston Run, a stream that flows through the borough.
DCNR contributed $110,000 to the project with funding from the Keystone Recreation, Park, and Conservation Fund. The grant came from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program.
Mercersburg Borough matched the grant dollar-for-dollar with a combination of in-house labor and equipment as well as $60,000 from the Mercersburg Area Council for Wellness.
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