Starting a New Chapter

News|January 3, 2023

All Resources

For almost two years we have been working to rebuild and update our website to better reflect the work we have accomplished and hope to complete in the future.  Many of you have been a part of our journey, either by volunteering or by providing donations, and for that, we thank you.  As we move forward, we hope you will continue to join our efforts to make our corner of the world a healthier place to live.

So, what are some of our changes?

As you will see, we dropped “Mercersburg Area” from our name.  There are several reasons why we decided to do this.  First of all, some of our programming, such as Healthy Eating Adventure, has expanded well beyond the Mercersburg area.  The second reason is we want to demonstrate the tremendous role our work plays in making Franklin county and the state of Pennsylvania, a better place to live.  For example, Will Willis and the ALLARM water testing team are monitoring Johnston Run on a monthly basis.  The data demonstrates our success in some of the initiatives we have implemented and will allow us to  apply for grant funding to continue repairing the health of the stream. Ultimately, the stream work will impact the Conococheague Creek, Potomac River, Chesapeake Bay, and Atlantic Ocean.

Other projects include the construction and care of the Johnston Run Waterside Trail.  Becky Shubert, Becky Wolf, and Kathy Wood have worked hard to plant native species, eliminate the invasive species, and provide a hiking trail highlighting our natural bounty, while connecting residents to the history of the town of Mercersburg.  Along with school groups and other volunteers, the trail has become a central area in which people can come together to view wildlife and see the impact these changes have made in the stream. While our summer Tuesdays on the Trail were off to a slow start, we are excited to continue this programming. In working with and teaching future generations about environmental sustainability, healthy food choices, and the importance of stewardship, we can create an environment which will inspire a healthy lifestyle and make the world better…everything is interconnected

In the past we also had different web sites for the varied projects falling under the MACWell umbrella.  Today, we are combining everything into the Council for Wellness organization.  Doing this solidifies our structure and demonstrates how each thread of our work strives to better the whole.


“Humankind has not woven the web of life.  We are but a thread within it.  Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.  All things are bound together.  All things connect.” Chief Seattle, Suqamish and Duwamish chief  (1786-1866)


We encourage you to explore our new website and become a sustaining member of the Council for Wellness so that we may continue to apply for grants and other funding.  Your partnership in our efforts is crucial to moving forward.